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Things to be mindful of.
What is mindfulness?

You may already know about the term mindfulness, or have heard it used by others, but is mindfulness something you implement into your day to day? If not, you may want to start!

Mindfulness is, very simply put, the practice of being present. We are practicing mindfulness when we give ourselves the space to be completely in the current moment. Although this sounds easy, it is much easier said than done.

Our brains are naturally drawn to distractions. For most people, we act before we think, which in some cases isn’t in our best interest. For example, say you like to watch TV while you eat meals. Instead of focusing on the food you’re consuming and how your body is reacting to it, you’re distracted by the TV. This easily leads to overeating since we aren’t aware of when our bodies are telling us to stop, because there’s something more “interesting” on the TV. This example is one of many.

So what are ways we can start implementing mindfulness into our lives? An easy example could be instead of enjoying your morning coffee or tea while scrolling on your phone, set down the device and inspect your drink. How does the mug feel in your hands? Warm from the liquid inside perhaps? How do your mouth and lips feel as you take a sip, the warm liquid traveling from your tongue, to your throat, to your stomach. Does your beverage make you feel rejuvenated? Take these moments to feel these sensations, and inspect with no judgment.

Some of you may be reading this and thinking to yourself, well that sounds silly. I drink coffee -or tea- every morning, why should I sit and think about it? And to that I would argue not only is it one of many ways to hone your mindfulness, but it is also creating a habit of this practice that will benefit you mentally, physically, and spiritually. (Mind, body, and spirit… sound familiar?)

Having an active practice of mindfulness will lead to a better understanding of yourself, your body, and your emotions. It will provide you with the tool of self-awareness and better focus. It can even be used as a way to naturally de-escalate your stress and anxiety levels. That all sounds pretty nice if you ask me!

By. Kiley Nagl



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